The Reasons K-Dramas Are So Popular

The term goes, “Kinain na ng sistema,” which approximately translates as “being eaten up or devoured by the system.” If this word was once only used to allude to politics, it now has a completely different connotation, as it now refers to Filipinos’ fascination and enthusiasm for Koreanovelas or K-Dramas. It’s gotten so popular that a series of memes illustrating people’s various levels of addiction have sprung up. Check Korean dramas review here at KissAsian.

Even for the uninitiated, the entire K-Drama craze is fascinating enough to attract one’s interest. However, why are K-Dramas still the most popular and well-liked? Despite the obvious language barrier, why are people addicted to it? All of the causes are listed below:

1. The cast members are gorgeous and appealing. Koreans are known for their beauty obsession (those of you who have been to Myeong-dong may have a better understanding of this). And these poreless, chiseled-to-perfection human beings are impossible to resist. The enjoyment of viewing is amplified by the sight of two beautiful actors sharing pleasant times and eventually falling in love. This is usually what draws people to a K-Drama in the first place, and it’s also one of the reasons they keep watching.

2. The characters’ fashionable clothes. In general, Koreans dress as if they’ve just stepped out of a magazine cover or a runway show. They have excellent fashion sense, without a question! They are pioneers. Their ability to dress smartly and stylishly is apparent. Both men and women look fantastic in their respective outfits.

3. One-of-a-kind or unexpected plotlines or storylines. K-Dramas are famed for their storyline twists that are both original and ingenious. The central mystery of the show is always intriguing. The audience is frequently interested in learning who is related to whom and how they are related. “Wow, they thought of that?” you might think as you watch the show’s creators come up with brilliant ideas. K-Dramas include melodramas, historical dramas, fantasy, science fiction, action, rom-coms, and suspense. Everyone will be able to find something they enjoy.

4. Predictable plotlines that are yet engaging and intriguing. Then there are the predictable plotlines and sequences of K-Dramas, which continue to appeal with audiences for some reason. The wealthy man falls in love with a poor woman who is despised by his family. A love triangle exists (or square). Her charming, affluent prince transforms the damsel in distress into a princess for a day. A woman who is envious of another woman and the heinous plots she devises to keep them apart. It’s a love that isn’t returned. Someone who seeks retribution by wreaking destruction.

5. His weird pranks and wonderful sense of humour. Korean actors and actresses have a natural sense of comedy, which helps to explain why their rom-com shows are so popular. It’s all about timing, facial expressions, lines and expressions (aigoo! omo! ), gestures, and an animated delivery style, as well as the right mix of romance and humour. K-Dramas have taken up this formula.

6. Korean dramas are easy to understand. The tempo is in perfect harmony. K-Dramas usually have 16-20 episodes, each lasting 30 minutes to an hour, giving enough time for the characters to grow, the story to build up and be wonderfully narrated, the plot to thicken, and the conclusion to not be abrupt and tie up loose ends. Believe it or not, some people can finish a K-Drama in a single day!

7. The mind-expanding aspect of the experience of watching. Koreanovelas can be informative as well as entertaining to watch. Period dramas, for example, give viewers a glimpse into and comprehension of the Joseon or Goryeo eras, even if the plots aren’t always historically accurate. a Crash Landing You give guests an impression of life in North Korea.

8. A visual feast in the true sense of the term. On Korean dining tables, banchan, the collective name for the side dishes that are part of a Korean supper, is always plentiful. When the characters in the episodes are eating (more like stuffing themselves with food), it makes you want Korean BBQ, kimchi, or tteokbokki (hot and spicy rice cake). Or just plain fried chicken (as seen in Weightlifting Fairy, where Lee Sung-Kim kyung’s Bok-joo character enjoys a drumstick from her father’s business).

9. This contributes to Korean dramas’ gloss and glam. The images and locations are always well-thought-out. When the characters don’t say anything, the setting speaks for them. The cinematography perfectly complements the tone of the situation when the characters eventually say their lines.

10. In terms of cinematography, the choice of location is critical to a K-success, Drama’s and the people behind these series deserve credit for understanding what looks well on camera and what would look even better when woven into a story and tied to the characters. Beautiful dwellings and quirky-cozy rooms that are also peg-worthy can be found at the shows.

11. Have faith that the much-anticipated kilig moment or dramatic scene will be accompanied by appropriate music in K-Dramas. We may not understand the lyrics, but we can sense that the music comes from the heart and finally appeals to the hearts of the audience.

The play is number twelve. The screenplays are well-written, from the superficial to the profound, with the exception of occasional obstacles and alterations in reading the subtitles. There are several life lessons to be learned as well as a wealth of quotable lines to be found in them!

13. The well-executed kissing encounters and highly kilig love scenes K-Dramas are suitable for all ages. Kissing sequences are given a lot of attention. They use them sparingly to give the audience something to look forward to while the plot progresses. The creative people behind the shows make the kissing sequences worthwhile and pay attention to them. The sound of a collective “awww” can be heard. Although kissing scenes may not always lead to love or bed scenes, when they do, the action is still handled gracefully (check out the romantic bed scenes in Healer and Suspicious Partner, both with Ji Chang-wook, by the way). For more information, visit

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